Urban Passes By

Urban Passes By delivers hundreds of different vehicles passing by in an urban environment, covering all your needs for traffic scenes, especially to edit cars in the background or vehicles passing by your main character’s car during an onboard scene.

No need to search through your numerous traffic recordings to find the one “pass by”, we gathered hundreds of them from very slow to fast, dry cobblestones to very wet asphalt.
This library aims to help sound editors quickly find the whooshin’ vehicles they need, it includes passes by of cars, motorcycles, mopeds, trucks, etc…

The “Source” folder contains 337 files corresponding to 183 different recordings with various microphones setups :

– AB
– Cinela LCR array ( ORTF + Center )
– Some sounds are simultaneously recorded from inside and outside a car, giving you extra edit possibilities

The “ Designed” folder contains 59 stereo files with processed sounds such as :

– Interior “whoosh” passes
– Isolated wet asphalt textures
– Resonant bass vehicle textures

All the sounds are 96 kHz / 24 bits and most importantly embedded with exhaustive metadatas, including a detailed description, surface type, microphone setup, etc…
Metadata is compatible with Soundminer, Basehead, etc…

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  • A must have

    Very useful library, very well indexed. I always find what I need.

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