Metal Sweeteners / Gun Hyper-Realism

Designed :

Source :

Metal Sweeteners / Gun Hyper-Realism contains hundreds of metal sounds to enhance your gun fights.

We recorded tons of different metallic objects like wrenches, cameras, stands, microphones,etc… to create different hits and textures for the Source Material kit, everything was recorded at 192 kHz with the famous Sennheiser MKH 8040/8050 microphones in order to capture all the harmonics up to 50-60 kHz.  Then we layered/edited/pitched, crushed them to create the sounds in the Designed folder.

The “Source” folder contains 91 files and hundreds individual sounds divided into these categories:

– Hit
– Scrape
– Screw
– Rattle
– Mech
– Click
– Slide

The “Designed” folder contains 20 files and many more individual sounds, all created from the “Source Material”:
– Silenced/Suppressed shots
– Reload
– Bullets
– Mechanics
– Ejections
The “Synced” folder contains multiple groups of 8 layers + 3 silencers/suppressor, all sync’ed on some of the most common guns rate of fire :
– Ak 47
– M16
– Uzi
– MP5
– M60
– M4

All the sounds are 192 kHz / 24 bits, giving you all the process flexibility you need. Most importantly the files are embedded with exhaustive metadata compatible with Soundminer, Basehead, etc…

This library is perfect to spice up “boring” real life recordings, create a whole new futuristic weapon or just to give that ” Hyper Realistic ” feel to the project you’re working on.

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  • Metal Sweetness

    Metal Sweeteners is a really versatile sound effects library. The source and designed folders contain a variety of crisp and clean metallic textures that are perfect for adding trebly accents and extra high-end details to gun mechanism sounds. I find the synced folder in particular to be a great resource for accentuating gun firing sounds; each file is laid out as a series of incremental burst shots that are timed according to various firearm firing patterns, making them quick and easy to edit. The library is also a handy source of inspiration for metal Foley sound design, as the intricate clicks, slides and rattles of the source folder are well-suited to augmenting metallic impacts, handling and movement sounds with high-frequency filigree.

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